Freehold with vacant possession
Wyndham Square is a Conservation Area in the heart of East Stonehouse which boasts many period properties and is well placed for the Millfields, the City Centre and the main campus of the University amongst many other central amenities.
An imposing period property of undoubted character probably built during the mid part of the nineteenth century and still retaining some original features. This property lends itself for sympathetic renovation as a family dwelling with principal rooms of generous proportions yet affording flexibility to adapt the accommodation to a purchaser’s requirements. The property qualifies for on street parking permits.
Freehold with vacant possession
Vestibule Entrance, Entrance Hall, Sitting Room, Dining Room, rear Entrance Lobby and Kitchen
Half Landing, Bathroom with bath and wash hand basin, separate W.C., Landing, No.1 Bedroom (double) and No.2 Bedroom (double).
Half Landing, No.5 Bedroom, Landing, No.3 Bedroom (double) and No.4 Bedroom (double).
There is a staircase leading to a boarded loft space with access to south facing flat roof at the front of the building.
Small front garden and enclosed rear courtyard with W.C. and fuel store.
WOLFERSTANS, Deptford Chambers, 60/66 North Hill, Plymouth PL4 8EP
Tel: 01752 663295
Fax: 01752 672021
DX: 8206 Plymouth 1
Reference: John Chapman